Java API

The Java API provides facilities to use Python classes and objects from Java code. For examples of how to use it, see the demo app.

Quick start

  1. If necessary, call Python.start().
  2. Call Python.getInstance() to get the interface to Python.
  3. Call getModule() or getBuiltins() to get a PyObject representing a Python module.
  4. Use the PyObject methods to access the module’s functions, classes and other objects.


The following all assume py is a Python instance.

Modules, classes, attributes and methods:

# Python code                                     // Java equivalent
import zipfile                                    PyObject zipfile = py.getModule("zipfile")
zf = zipfile.ZipFile("")               PyObject zf = zipfile.get("ZipFile").call("");
zf.debug = 2                                      zf.put("debug", 2);
zf.comment                                        zf.get("comment");
zf.write("",                             zf.callAttr("write", "",
          compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)                   new Kwarg("compress_type", zipfile.get("ZIP_STORED")));

Built-in types and functions:

# Python code                                     // Java equivalent
                                                  PyObject builtins = py.getBuiltins();
l = [2, 1, 3]                                     PyObject l = builtins.callAttr("list", 2, 1, 3);
sorted(l)                                         builtins.callAttr("sorted", l);
l[0]                                              l.callAttr("__getitem__", 0);
l[0] = 42                                         l.callAttr("__setitem__", 0, 42);

d = {1: "a", 2: "b"}                              PyObject d = builtins.callAttr("dict");
                                                  d.callAttr("__setitem__", 1, "a");
                                                  d.callAttr("__setitem__", 2, "b");

Type conversion:

# Python code                                     // Java equivalent
import sys                                        PyObject sys = py.getModule("sys");
ms = sys.maxsize                                  int ms = sys.get("maxsize").toJava(int.class);

plat = sys.platform                               String platform = sys.get("platform").toJava(String.class);
                                                  // or simply:                        .toString();


For full documentation, see the Javadoc.